
A change with the sun rise,
Last nights forgotten cries,
No visible sign of the tears,
Of the gut-wrenching fears,
A new day, A new lie,
A forlorn sob, A despairing sigh,
An evil begins to spread its dark wings,
Over remnants of broken promises, lost things,
Loneliness rushes forth from every nook, every corner,
Oblivious to the faint cries of the mourner,
Darkness sets, the ghost performs with ruthless tact,
Once again, a silent witness to the treacherous act.

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About Me!

To escape from the humdrum existence people call "life", I explore the jungle of my mind. A meandering path, with thoughts as my obstacles. I put aside the smiling face of my mother, snapshots of holidays with friends, lost memories of my childhood... All in an attempt to find answers to my branching questions.

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