Familiar Beings

listen patiently, produces happiness from places that were never known never existed a shoulder to cry on yet aggravating beyond belief the hums the jauntiness the flaunting the continuous reminder have it do not have it a longing to shout enough but no it is not fair not fair at all after so much it was a justification the false dreams allowing to hallucinate would it become reality someday the chastising the past remember the past, listen patiently, the petite appearance yet incredibly strong the droning about things which did not matter or did it would never know the intellect humble or not a pretense to hide immoral judgments thoughts about caricatures very random an attempt to veer away from essential matters afraid to tell trying oh so hard to bury rules a need to break away to run away, listen patiently, bizarre consideration no troubles at all viewed as a façade no its not true it is said but it needs to be appreciated completely understood it is honest not a pretense or maybe not was it right to criticize maybe a fear of being hurt yes that was it family always there an immense affection for family, listen patiently, the mastermind the cautiously crafted beliefs dangerously penetrating seems ordinary but is it the persistence the perseverance no its not right believe yet relentlessly stubborn the unusual situations the desperate need for a tolerant ear, listen patiently, the stupidity the enjoyment the illogical conversations the spirituality relations avoided a simple flick the deceit or accident fury hush long silence did something happen, listen patiently, the last one the biggest liar of all the hypocrite never speaks the truth a mask a falsehood yes misery but nothing other than that picked up gathered together tied up in a knot no never to open again yet it comes back in all forms love hate anger jealousy joy envy whatever it might be forever veiled, realize patiently.

3 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

hmm... something to think about.

Anonymous said...

Wow... so deep... love it! :)

Vani said...



About Me!

To escape from the humdrum existence people call "life", I explore the jungle of my mind. A meandering path, with thoughts as my obstacles. I put aside the smiling face of my mother, snapshots of holidays with friends, lost memories of my childhood... All in an attempt to find answers to my branching questions.

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