She hid behind a pillar,
Concealed from the worlds view,
Refusing to be seen,
By nearly all but a few.
I opened my arms wide,
Beckoning for her to come,
Smiling whole heartedly,
Assuring her she was the one.
She peeked from behind,
Revealing her dark beautiful eyes,
Hesitant to take a step forward,
Unable to know truth from lies.
I softly whispered a secret,
So only she could hear,
That I would hold her close,
Promising she had nothing to fear.
I have failed to place,
What convinced her so,
My display of willingness,
Or her curiosity to know.
But she ran forward with eagerness,
Gripping me tightly like never before,
Leaving us both content with the thought,
We had received what we asked for.
Refusing to be seen,
By nearly all but a few.
I opened my arms wide,
Beckoning for her to come,
Smiling whole heartedly,
Assuring her she was the one.
She peeked from behind,
Revealing her dark beautiful eyes,
Hesitant to take a step forward,
Unable to know truth from lies.
I softly whispered a secret,
So only she could hear,
That I would hold her close,
Promising she had nothing to fear.
I have failed to place,
What convinced her so,
My display of willingness,
Or her curiosity to know.
But she ran forward with eagerness,
Gripping me tightly like never before,
Leaving us both content with the thought,
We had received what we asked for.
14 thoughts:
are you the girl who's behind the pillar or the person opening her arms out wide?
haha, i suppose i can be both. depending on the person. and the situation.
btw, you've become like rahul dravid while he was captain, giving the alltime-working-answer, all time
hahaah! maybe that's why he was captain! satisfying everybody!!! lol.
your every sentence makes sense!! even the previous comment
by the way, whom are you satisfying? both the little girl and the person inviting the little girl in you?
this is the most obvious-answer question. So, don't give the obvious answer
little girl in me? who said there's one in me? it could perfectly well be an external factor. lol.
not so obvious answer huh. more like rhetorical question. haha ;-)
I envy them both.
and adore them both... at the same time.
wowwww !!
I keep coming to this one again and again..
i like reading it multiple times as well. when i wrote it, i felt like it was a universal theme... a hidden aspect of a person that only a special someone can bring out. with a little trust... a little faith...
In real-life all of that will probably span some 5 seconds... the way you have written it, feels like a video made of words :)
well, the reader has to have a good imagination as well to picture it. lol.
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