I got this chain message from a friend a couple of days ago and it struck a chord with me. I would like to share it with all of you.
I want to go back to the time,
When getting high meant on a swing,
When drinking meant apple juice,
When daddy was the only hero,
When love meant mom's hug,
When dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth,
When your worst enemies were your siblings,
When the only thing that could hurt were wounded knees,
When the only thing broken were toys,
When race issues were who ran the fastest,
When war was a simple card game,
When goodbyes meant only till tomorrow,
When life was just simple and carefree.
But what I remember the most was wanting to grow up.
And now all I want is to go back to those times.
4 thoughts:
hey don't think I'm spamming your comments page, but this is what I wrote some time back somewhat similar to the last part of this chain message
I'm no more a teenager, cannot do mischief!!!
No more a child! mom asks me to eat on my own!!
I'm near my dream of earning.. I'm right behind the door to start flying across the winds..
I'm very very near to all those I've dreamt
But, very far away from my innocence..
World looked better when i was a child..
it appeared much smaller, but much better..
Now i see world in it's different dimensions.
and I cannot still try to be innocent..
If that happens, I'll be called IGNORANT
maybe that's why "IGNORANCE IS BLISS"!!!!
aah, yes, the innocence of childhood. how sweet it was!
tht sounds like a weird alien world... but kinda nice too... hahah
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