
Refresh, Refresh, Refresh.
Waiting, Waiting, Waiting.
View: Inbox(1)
Subject: Congratulations! You won a thousand dollars.
Argh! That is NOT the right one.
Refresh, Refresh, Refresh!
View: Inbox(1)
HA! YESS! This is IT!
The excitement!
Read once. Read again. And again.
*sigh* That was beautiful!
What next, that is the question.
Pondering! Thinking! Typing!
Ahh, technology has made things harder!
Much harder.
Choose! Pick! Yes or No?
So much tension, from an Email?
Who would've thought?
Ah, screw it. I'm done typing.
I have better things to do!
Nope, nevermind. Reply. Send.
Waiting, Waiting, Waiting...
Refresh, Refresh, Refresh!
*sigh* 10 seconds later...
"Why doesn't it say Inbox(1) yet??!?!"