My Mystic Counsel

I bow down my head,
Masked behind the lattice,
to confess.
My regrets, my happiness, my sorrow,
my sins.
I know not what is behind the gaps,
sitting silently.
Listening to many disclosures after mine,
before mine.
A still witness to peoples words,
I lean forward trying to steal a glimpse,
of my confidante.
The soothing voice reassuring me,
teaching me.
I hold my breath for a verdict,
my punishment.
But I receive nothing but guidance,
never judging.
It has become an unconscious need,
for approval.
From the one that matters,
I gain comfort, I gain solace,
As I pardon myself and realize,
I am only human.
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About Me!

To escape from the humdrum existence people call "life", I explore the jungle of my mind. A meandering path, with thoughts as my obstacles. I put aside the smiling face of my mother, snapshots of holidays with friends, lost memories of my childhood... All in an attempt to find answers to my branching questions.

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